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1. Ironmaking

  1. The Role of Volatiles on Iron Reduction – The goal is to elucidate the effect of volatiles in coal on the reduction of iron as relevant to the direct reduction processes. This project was completed in 2005, with the graduation of Mr. Il Sohn. Two RHF simulators were built to study the reduction of ore-coal pellets and the role of volatiles. The effect of volatiles on reduction of Fe 2O 3 was measured and an empirical model was developed.
  2. Mixed Burden Softening and Melting Phenomenon – Two graduate students, Pallava Kaushik and Paulo Nogueira have received their doctorates within this project. The project showed that a mixture of basic and acid pellets would behave similarly to all basic pellets, which is more costly.
  3. Simulation of Reduction of Iron-Ore Composite in RHF – This is an ongoing project, where research is being carried out by Mr. Sabuj Halder. Research to date, have shown that: (i) graphite is more reactive than coal-char, (ii) PAH-graphite composite pellets sinter more than PAH-coal-char pellets, (iii) the reduction of hematite with graphite follows a stepwise reduction scheme. (iv) reaction rate determination through Mass-spectrometry is being developed.
  4. A new Iron Making Process to Reduce Energy and CO 2 – This is a relatively new project being carried out by Rodrigo Corbari. The goal is to validate a new conceptual process where energy and emission are reduced significantly by developing a direct smelting process using high volatile coals. The process involves a charring step where the released volatile gases are to be used for pre-reduction and for producing synthetic fuel for purposes such as fuel cells.

2. EAF steelmaking

Post Combustion – The post combustion model for the EAF has been documented and made user friendly as a first step towards commercialization.

3. De-oxidation and ladle refining

  1. H and N Pickup – This project was carried out by Mr. Siddhartha Misra who has graduated. The objective was to elucidate the pickup of hydrogen and nitrogen that is picked up as a result of ladle air bubble entrainment. The outcome of the thesis was a comprehensive mathematical model to predict hydrogen and nitrogen pick-up in the ladle process.
  2. Clean Steels – In this project the capture of inclusions by ladle slags was studied. Inclusion dissolution experiments were carried out by Mr. Martin Valdez for alumina, magnesia and spinel particles of various sizes. The separation of inclusions across steel/slag interfaces, and re-oxidation as a result of reactions with the atmosphere and container materials were studied by Ms. Yan Wang. Both Martin Valdez and Yan Wang have obtained their PhD degrees. Currently an inclusion separation model is being developed by George Shannon.
  3. Transient effects of Ti, Al de-oxidation – This is a new project that aims to study the transient oxides formed during Al and Ti additions in the ladle during de-oxidation of IF-steels. The project was developed based on the interest expressed by several member companies during the last two mini-meetings on steelmaking as well as casting.

4. Tundish metallurgy and Continuous Casting

  1. Clean Steels – Yan Wang graduated in 2004 with a doctorate and her research focused on inclusion evolution in the tundish and continuous caster. As a result of her research: (i) an elucidation of the mechanism and rates for re-oxidation from shrouding gases was developed and (ii) an experimental study on oxide inclusion evolution during steel solidification was carried out including the precipitation of CaS and MnS on oxide inclusions.
  2. Inclusion Optimization – The objective of this project is to assess the inclusion properties that control the nucleation of solid iron during casting. The research has focused on undercooling measurements and results show that the undercooling can be varied from 30 degrees to 300 degrees by controlling the oxygen potential, resulting in significant differences in solidification structure.
  3. Delta Ferrite Formation and Peritectic Solidification – This research was aimed at utilizing the CSLM to image solidification in steels. Neill McDonald (graduated 2004, is currently with Arcelor) quantified the austenite growth rate around delta-ferrite fronts during the peritectic reaction for Fe-Ni, Fe-Co, Fe-C and stainless steels. Mr. Chanjoon Paek (with POSCO) obtained his M.Sc. degree for quantifying inter-face breakdown and validation of the Mullins-Sekerka stability analysis.
  4. Radiative Heat Transfer in Mold Slags – The research being carried out by Wanlin Wang is an experimental study to quantify the radiative contribution to heat transfer in mold-slag films as function of crystallized fraction and slag chemistry. Mr. Wang has designed an innovative experimental setup based on IR heating and instrumented thermocouples to quantify the heat flux. Emphasis is placed on studying the effects of Mn and Al as expected from pickup during casting of TRIP and TWIP grades.

5. Scaling

TRIP Steels - Research is being carried out to study the kinetics of internal and external oxidation during casting, hot-rolling and annealing of TRIP steels as function of atmosphere, temperature and Al/Si ratio in the steel. The research is being carried out by Ms. Tamara Baum and through collaboration with Professor Dieter Senk at RWTH Aachen.

6. Annealing

Austenite formation kinetics – The research is aimed at studying through CSLM and EBSD the the migration of austenite fronts during inter-critical annealing. Results to date suggest a change in front migration mechanism from a long-range diffusional mechanism at temperatures below T 0 to a massive type (interface controlled) mechanism above T 0. Alloy grades that are being investigated include IF-steels, Alloy Steels, and TRIP steels.

Contact Information:
Center for Iron & Steelmaking Research
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
3325 Wean Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Telephone: 412.268.2683
Fax: 412.268.7247

Richard J. Fruehan

P Chris Pistorius

Bryan A. Webler

Sridhar Seetharaman

Alan W. Cramb

Roxann Martin Eckman

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